Email Passwords

Simple and short Email passwords are vulnerable to criminal activity. 

We need your cooperation in combating a problem threatening all users and providers of email services. Every day, email hosts around the world come under attack from criminals trying to guess usernames and passwords. Users like you can suffer the consequences.
Anyone who gains access to your account can scan your emails to gather private information or login codes for important services like bank and credit card accounts. They can also use your account information to send spam emails, which can cause emails sent by other Seaside Wireless customers to be blacklisted. For your own protection, and to protect other Seaside Wireless customers, you need a strong password. 

Below are recommendations you should follow. Failing to do so risks much greater inconvenience and loss for you and others on our system.
Why We Live Here
How to create a strong password:

  • Your password should be at least 8 characters long.
  • It should include at least three of the following kinds of characters:
    • - Lowercase letters (a, b, c, d, e)
    • - Uppercase letters (A, B, C, D, E)
    • - Numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    • - Symbols and punctuation marks (! @ # % *)
    • - Symbols not allowed are as follows: $ (Dollar sign)  (back slash) ` (back quote/tick) " (quotes) & (ampersand)
  • Instead of using random gibberish, you can create passwords that are easy to remember.
  • Basing your password on a song title or familiar phrase. "This May Be One Way To Remember" could produce a password such as, "TmB1w2R!" or "Tmb1W>r~" or some other variation.
  • You can run several words together to create a strong password: $napCrackl3&P0p.

Avoid these weak passwords:

  • - It must not contain a dictionary word (English or any other language)
  • - Names of relatives, pets, friends, co-workers, TV and movie characters, etc.
  • - Common computer terms
  • - Birthdays, addresses, phone numbers.
  • - Word or number patterns (aaabbb, qwerty, zyxwvuts, 123321)
  • - Any of the items on this list spelled backwards.
  • - Any of the items on this list preceded or followed by a digit (secret1, 1secret)

Seaside Wireless technical support staff will be happy to assist you if required.  Contact us at 1-888-965-5511.  Please choose Option1 for Current customer, then Option 2 for Technical Support.

